Home Let not your heart be troubled.

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

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 "Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you"" [John 14:1-2.]

For many years I never noticed that the setting of the words spoken here by Jesus, were addressed to Peter in the hearing of all the disciples, immediately after informing Peter that he was going to deny him.

What beautiful words and loving encouragement for all the disciples, and especially for Peter; How stressed Peter must have felt at such a prediction! Do you know that The Lord has known all your failures and wrong, before you entered into such wrong and failure? Right here we are surprised at the love of Jesus, and in response to the distressed look on Peter's face, says - "Let not your heart be troubled"; Jesus wasn't troubled, but he could see that Peter was! Are you troubled about any sad failure? Jesus knew what, and how you were  going to go, didn't He? And did He bless you up until your sad problem? Well, of course He did. Jesus knows us through and through, and knew how you would go, but ...


 and says to you now "LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED". How wonderful is The Lord's grace to Peter, right at that moment, when his heart was troubled like it had never been before, but yet there is still the need for Peter to get through the problem when it occurs, and so the Lord gives the ever .. 


               OF; "YE BELIEVE IN GOD...


The Lord was saying to Peter and all of the disciples, and also NOW to you, I am your ROCK, and you will never be put to shame or confounded,[Isaiah 54:4.] whatever sadness you go through, whatever failure grieves you so, I know ALL about it, I saw it before it happened, like I saw it with Peter, and how I loved him, I also love YOU! - let not your heart be troubled, You are mine, I have redeemed you at a Great Price, and you are mine forever and YOU are Precious, SO...

My Father sent me to be just that, absolutely solid rock for all that come to me, and though I long for your easy learning, yet I am here for you  "that your faith fail not, and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren" [Luke 22:32.]

The Lord encourage you with this wonderful truth, that He was there for you before you even got there, and knows all about it, just put it all in His loving hands whatever "IT" is and do as Jesus said to Peter and the disciples, and is saying to you now,


Jesus Loves You.

God Bless