Home HELP Lord!

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.




From the depths of our being, this call should be a frequent one to The Lord!

We are living in the very time of, godly men ceasing to walk in a godly path and those who were once faithful, are failing.

The World is in "Breakdown mode" but the christian as he keeps "Looking unto Jesus is in "Lift up mode" and if there has been "breakdown" this cry can be made and immediatley he will be in "restore mode"; Paul said  "having obtained help of God, I continue unto this day" [Acts 26:22.] Again the promise of the Lord is  "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee..

                      .. that we may boldly say, The Lord is My Helper and I will not fear..." [Hebrews 13:5-6.] The Lord is with you dear christian and....


He is  "a ....

in time of trouble" [Psalm 46:1.] Notice the promise is "VERY present" Praise the Lord for all the great goodness He is ready to share with us!

Be encouraged to make THAT CALL...

Jesus Loves You.

 God Bless.