Home My Wonderful Good Shepherd!

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.


Be comforted today, that your shepherd is the great "I AM" -  "And God said unto Moses, I AM that I AM: and he said, thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you"  [Exodus 3:14.]

Look at this wonderful Promise for you:


Jesus said:  "The good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep" [John 10:11.]

Jesus is this same "I AM" - What greatness of GOODNESS and MERCY is following YOU!

It is as Jesus said, the most FANTASTIC and GIGANTIC statment, to which the WHOLE UNIVERSE will take heed...

 "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE" [John 14:6.] Only the GREAT  .... could make such a statement, and this same one of IMMEASURABLE POWER AND GLORY has become your...


Jesus is not "a way" He is "THE WAY" Jesus is not "a Life" He is "THE LIFE" - Rejoice and be glad, for with SUCH greatness as YOUR SHEPHERD, "Goodness" and "Mercy" are as David described, a "SURLEY" guaranteed blessing, and provision as you allow Him to shepherd you in everything

Jesus loves you.

God Bless.