Home A Glorious Light unto me! Part 2.

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.



"Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy, when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, The Lord shall be a light unto me" [Micah 7:8.]

"I will bear the indignation of The Lord, because I have sinned against Him, until He plead my cause, and execute judgement for me: He will bring me forth to the Light, and I shall behold His Righteousness" [micah 7:9.]

Dear Christian and also "whosoever"; be encouraged today, because though there be 2 sad realities, these two common sad realities can be totally annexed by the following 4 realities, which Christ came to  provide for, and  bring us into the benefit, and blessing of, by His wonderous Grace!

Common Reality 1: We have sinned against the Lord.

Common reality 2:  We must be willing to bear His indignation or chastening, which the word says, that concerning such, we  "all are partakers." [Hebrews 12:8.]

Working Grace Reality 1: "Until He plead my cause" O How wonderful...


       and pleading your cause! [Hebrews 7:25.] He is closer to you and your need than you think! He has one longing, and His prayer purpose is to,


Working Grace Reality 2. "And execute judgement for me"

God is...    Paul makes this great declaration in Romans 8...  "If God be for us who can be against us" Who is He that condemneth, It is Christ that died" [Romans 8:31-34.]

Praise the Lord, Jesus has taken your judgement and mine, and whoever would dare to stand up against Christ and judge you, let him beware, whoever he be.

The Lord does not let all sin's consequences easily pass through the forgiveness gate to oblivian, but with some issues, as with David, The Lord's dealings and judgement came upon him in correction, even though he was totally forgiven as Nathan the prophet said unto him,  "The Lord also hath put away thy sin" [2 Samuel 12:13.] but The Lord did not put away His teaching of David, concerning the gravity of his sin, and so David by the grace of God went on to "endure" the deep lessons of the Lord on more than one occasion. We are encouraged in Hebrews that the chastening of The Lord is to be

  "Endured", [Hebrews 12:7.] in other words, accept what His hand allows and deals out, which is for our good and ultimate blessing, and through such lessons the Word says, we become,  "Partakers of His Holiness" [Hebrews  12:10.] What wonderful words these are of the Prophet Micah... "And execute judgement FOR ME."

Never fear The Lord's dealings, Have Faith dear fellow believer, there is a great Love behind all that The Lord allows... SEE with:-

Job - What he endured of the rebukes of The Lord and what GREAT BLESSING there was in  "The End of The lord; that The Lord is VERY PITIFUL and of tender mercy" [James 5:11.]

Joseph - What suffering he went through, and what GREATNESS issued from his Trust in The Lord.

The Lord encourage you in His Great faithfulness, "His compassions fail not" [Lamentations3:22.]

Jesus Loves You.                         (To be Continued)

 God Bless.