Home True Refreshment! Part 2.

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.



Ministry Given By: David Hayman

At: Oakflats Christian Fellowship.

Date: Sunday morning 30th. August 09.

Did you know that the Lord has commanded us,


to carry any burdens on the sabbath? We see this in  Jeremiah 17:21-22. We must remember first that this sabbath we are talking about is a spiritual thing not

a particular day of the week where we do no work. That was the law and  we are dead to the law by the body of Christ (Romans  7:4). For us as Christians, God's sabbath is revealed in truth to be a 'spiritual rest' we must enter into (Heb 4:1) in order to see the fullness that he has for us. And this sabbath is to be experienced every day of our life! (Refer to Part 1 of this series for more details.) This command in Jeremiah gives us some more wonderful insight into the fullness of this spiritual  that God has for us in Christ - burden free! Yes, the Lord's plan is that we be burden free. How exciting! That means he wants us to commit all our needs to him! And look to him to provide for each one. David says in  Psalm 55:22 "Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee."  He also said in Psalm 57:2 "I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me." The Lord is willing to do everything for us;

 not just show us what to do, or how, but to empower us also - that's what David says here, he 'performs' all things. Furthermore, we note he says 'all' things, not just some things. How refreshing! To be burdenless! And able then to look on the things of others as Paul exhorted us, and to bear their burdens in fellowship with the Lord (Gal 5:2). We might think, how can God command that we not bear a burden, but then command that we bear someone else's burden? When we're delivered from the fears and pressures that bind us, and we let go the burden of self-centred aspirations that bind up our time, and we are open to the Lord for his will to be done in all things, we become free to serve the Lord. This involves seeing others restored into the same rest, in seeing resurrection power at work, in seeing their burdens lifted by Christ. And that is a burden, even though it is - if you know what I mean! The Lord bless you real good.

Jesus Loves You

The Best.