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                                   The Prodical Son [Luke 15:11-32]



 The Prodigal Son having denied and wasted his father, as the scripture says.. "He that wasteth his father and chaseth away his mother, is a son that causeth shame and bringth reproach"; [Proverbs 19:26.] This same one returned home, broken and knowing  the wretchedness of himself and was Surprised by Love!

How hard and mean is our diminished view of The Great Love of God! The son had already claimed his inheritance from his loving dad, spurned his family, lived in riot and then returns home fully aware that the most he could expect is to become one of his fathers  "hired servants" [Luke 15:19]...

His father saw him long before he came face to face with his dad, and ran out, fell on his neck and kissed him, and then the son began to repeat to his dad what he had rehearsed that he would say and only got as far as "and am no more worthy to be called thy son". But the father said to his servants, "Bring forth.....

                                Robe and put it on him".

 Notice that his father did not even hesitate for one second about his sin, and cut the son off from repeating the words.. "make me one of thy hired servants"  and called for the "best" and declared (with rejoicing) the highest place for this restored son because The Father's love and forgiveness is such, that it chooses ignorance in the face of such brokenness to meet such need  with all the Bounty at the Fathers disposal! And this is the same "forgetful" love that we are loved with, the same that Job experienced  when he realised his wretchedness and declared  "I have heard of Thee with the hearing of the ear but now mine eye seeth Thee, wherefore I abhor myself and repent in dust cloth and ashes." [Job 42:5-6.] It was after this humble admission coming from the heart, that The Lord blessed Job with double his previous great riches and honour [Job 42:5-12.]

 How can we fathom such a love? Doesn't Paul echo the same great reality (that he also discovered) when he penned the words to the church at Rome...  "He that spared not His own Son but delivered Him up for US ALL, how shall He not with Him FREELY GIVE US ALL THINGS" [Romans 8:32.] Paul was a murderer of those who had love in their hearts for Jesus and yet it was this same Jesus that met Paul (on a dusty road) in the same way that the father met the prodigal son on the weary track home.

  Dear brother and sister, The Lord has the "BEST" for you. Rejoice! for such love that you are loved with; couldn't we go on for a great while to mention Peter and David and many others that experienced their neediness and the Great Bounty of Goodness that overflowed their need.

 The Lord bless You real Good with this promise that He has The "BEST" for you still!

God Bless