Home Watchman Nee

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

 For his Books! They have been of

immense value to multitudes of believers around the World.

The following have been of great personal blessing to me

in the the longing and thrill to know The Lord more, see His

Glory and know His heart concerning His Work and His will

for the growth of the believer and the growth of The Church.

***The Normal christian Life.

         This book in sequence: Bible/Pilgrim's Progress/

         Normal Christian Life.

         This suggestion is for the joy, not as a spiritual "must".

         Indeed the two books following the Bible contain

         Immense wealth of the Preciousness of Christ.

***Love Not The World.

          A very important book for this "Laodicean Church age"

          where the church is beset by the temptation for 

          material things, money, prosperity teaching etc.

          How devastating is this "under cover" passion griping

          the saints to day in the guise of "It (Money) can help

          you in your  ministry" etc.  

          "......Supposing that gain is godliness, from such turn

          away." [1 Timothy 6:5]

***The Normal Christian Church Life.

     This Book blessed me greatly and set me on a  

           beautiful course of discovering the Lifegiving 

           & Practical principles that promote "The

           preeminence of Christ" Not the preeminence of the

           "Pastor" or any man in the Local Church.

Other Books of Rich Blessing:

* Sit walk Stand.

* Changed into His Likeness

* The Normal Christian Worker.

* Table in The Wilderness. (Daily meditation)

* The Release of the Spirit.

* The Spiritual Man.

Book Source: Koorong Books

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