Home Job Told of a Crumbling Foundation!

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Job Told of a Crumbling Foundation | Print |  E-mail
Written by Grant Hayman   



                                        Job told of a crumbling foundation.

                                                                 [Job 4:19.]

Eliphaz was right about those who don't know The Lord, that their foundation is in "the dust"; but Eliphaz was wrong though, to apply such emptiness to Job who knew the Lord.

It is a good thing to consider the fruitless reality of earthly pursuits, as Paul said,  "While we look not at those things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." [2 Corinthians 4:18.] It is true that all that was earthy was crumbling with Job, even unto the very close regions of his body of clay! But on the inside there was a fortress of strength that wasn't going to crumble so easily! He knew The Lord was good and nothing would cause him to  "charge God foolishly" [Job 1:22.] How we can trust the Lord when many things crumble, knowing as James encouraged,  "Behold we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy." [James 5:11.]

Joni Erickson Tada is a beautiful example of her earthly foundation of dust crumbling, paralyzed from the neck down yet anything but paralyzed in her spirit! Because of the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, her body tags along in the mighty river of life and blessing, of The Lord, flowing through her. Yes! Joni has a mighty foundation that she is building upon and it sure isn't the dusty one!

The Lord help us to look to him through all the dusty foundational issues that sometimes can greatly affect us, knowing  as job wonderfully proved through "enduring" and "Patience" and "Trusting" that The Lord is "very pitiful and of tender mercy"

Jesus Loves You.

 God Bless.