Home Knowledge or Known?

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

                        Have a good look at the picture, and what do you see!




"My sheep hear my Voice I know

them and they follow me" [John 10:27]

These are very  fascinating words, because there is a tendancy to

think that it would make more sence if The  Lord had said.....My

sheep hear my voice and have knowledge of me and follow me,

but He didn't  and the reason is , that  a person can have

knowledge of some one or know" about" someone but can be

miles away from letting them in on their innermost feelings,

thoughts, sorrows and joys, and so it is with The Lord, as we open

our hearts totally to Him, we will have a whole different experience

of "Knowing The Lord".

David new so well how easy it was to "have a knowledge" and yet

be empty on the inside and so he prayed "Search me O God and

know my Heart : try me, and know my thoughts: and see if their be 

any wicked way in me and lead me in the wayeverlasting" [Psalm

139:23&24]. Doesn't the Lord know our thoughts, yes of course He

does but he cannot speak, shepherd,comfort, correct, and rejoice

our hearts unless we invite him in gladly with the whole heart to

have that precious fellowship with Him and so it is as He Knows

us, that we truly come to hear His voice, know His wonderfulness

and with great delight follow Him!

The reason for the footprints Picture is, that it is a good illustration 

of how we can have a knowledge and yet experience a lostness like

being alone in a desert and going nowhere just criss crossing our

own tracks and as the two tracks form a cross, so we can be  greatly

encouraged to fling open our hearts to him because of "His Great


Just thank Him now that He loves you so much and invite Him gladly

to occupy the highest place in your Heart.

The Lord bless you much in knowing The Riches of His Grace.