Home Precious Thoughts

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

                      "How Precious are Thy thoughts

                  unto me o God! how great

                       is the Sum of Them"

                          [Psalm 139:17]

You know that The Lord is thinking of you all the time?

If He ever lives to make intersession for you before The father,

are not then His thoughts constant for you? [Hebrews 7:25.]

 If Christ  is Our Life as Paul says in Colossians 3:4; meaning 

that we are bound up with Him, or as Paul further says in

another place "They that are joined to The Lord are become

one spirit"  [1 Corinthians 6:17.]   Are you not inseparably His

and part of Him forever?

Wonderful is His promise that if You, yes I mean


are so made precious, because you have become part of Him

Then how mega Precious and Abundant are His thoughts and 

purposes for you! that is why David says...

............"How Great is the sum of them!" [see verse at top]

Read this Psalm [Psalm 139] and draw nigh unto The Lord

and Know how wonderfully The Lord has "covered" you even

while your members were being formed in the womb and then

wrote about your unique form in a book, and this record that

He has made in "a book" will have possibly some mysterious

and beautiful bearing on the variableness of our

transformation into Christ's likeness, thus enabling us to

recognise each other and be struck by the likeness of The

beauty of the Lord that we have  become.

Thoughts that The Lord has for you are as we read

in the 18th verse..."are more than the sand" and that means the 

sand covering the whole earth and also under the sea! So great

is our Heavenly Father's Love, and of course the fulfillment of

all these abundant thoughts will be wrought for us throughout

Eternity - How Glorious is His wonderful love and Great


We must remember that some of those  thoughts He has for us,

are for Now, so how much we need to know the power of His

resurrection to live and walk in them. [Ephesians 2:10.]

  Are some other promises about how precious 

The Lord's thoughts and Plans are for us.

"I know the thoughts that I think toward you saith The Lord,

thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end" 

[Jeremiah 29:11]

These Heavenly thoughts and Plans are High - [Isaiah 55:9.]

as Paul said "The High Calling of God in Christ Jesus"

[Philippians 3:14.]

"More than can be numbered" [Psalm 40:5] And David in

this Psalm goes on to say that, sacrifice and offering The

Lord does not desire for us to experience these  plans but

that He opens our ears to Hear His Voice and be

Quickened by His power to walk in and enjoy all these


 Bless you abundantly with more and more

discovery of His "Precious thoughts" toward you.

Jesus is the one

"..Who Loved me

and gave Himself for me." [Galatians 2:20.]