Home Believing - Conversion Pending

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

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Genesis 30:8, 23 & 24. The Wrestle that counts! [Thursday 4th. March 2010.]
Song of Songs 2:3. Great delight! [Wednesday 7th. April 2010]

Matthew 9:37-38. Harvest Thrill! [Thursday 8th. April 2010.]

1 Corinthians 1:24. Wisdom leads to Glory! [Friday 9th . April 2010.]

Matthew 14:19-20. Where to look! [Sat 10th.April 2010

Psalm 27:8 Face to Face! [11th. April 2010]

Matthew 15:26-27 Crumbs. [Monday 12th. April 2010.]

Matthew 16:17. Blessed Revelation! [Tuesday 13th. April 2010.]

Leveticus 2:13. Covenant of Salt. [Wednesday 14th. April 2010.]

Luke 24:32. The fire of Revelation! [Thursday 15th April 2010.]

Isaiah 6:5. Revelation of Woe. [Friday 16th April 2010.]                        

Saturday 17th. April 2010.

Believing - Conversion Pending!

Luke 22:32 (KJV)
32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

For all your dealings with us to completely turn us around with a whole heart departing from self opinion and interest to be totally your possession and swayed only by you.

What encouraging Light comes from this word to Peter; that though we may be the Lord's we still have a need to be "converted".

¶ How great the discouragement can be when we exhibit more of self than Christ and experience so much of self, that we can wonder if we know the Lord at all! Such would have been Peter's great sorrow when he denied the Lord after being so confident about his spiritual growth, and yet what comfort there would have been when he remembered the Lord's warning to him and his promise that the Lord was praying for him and that he would be perfected because the Lord said - "WHEN" not "IF" thou art converted.

¶ Take courage that the Lord knows all about our huge lack and if we don't know it he will allow proof of our pathetic spirituality to come up in the face of our self confidence and bring home to our hearts how much we need to be yet "converted" and turned completely around from self to Him alone!

¶ Go on with the Lord! He is there for you. It can be devastating to be squared up to our great need but that is always the way of change as Job expressed the result of the lengthy painful dealings of the  Lord - Job 42:5-6 (KJV)
5 I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.
6 Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.

¶ The Lord continue to strengthen us to respond to all the light that he shines upon our hearts for our good and JOY IN HIM!

¶ Jesus is reaching for you

God Bless