Home How are you travelling?

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

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Written by Grant Hayman   

Do you sometimes feel the difficulty of the road ahead

is a bit like combining the two pictures below???

At the end of the road of life our bodies will certainly resemble the "Wreck", but there is a Fantastic salvage operation that is available at the workshop of a "master road transporter"

and the restoration job is FREE and lasts forever!

This "Master Road of Life transporter" is often referred to as The Good Shepherd, which is only one of many wonderful titles given to this remarkable man, and in His great quest to provide this complete and brilliant "salvage" renewal to the communities of the

The World, He went through a very severe furnace of total bankruptcy, but His case was resurrected by power from "on high" [Herews 1:3.] and openly vindicated to the whole

World, so that His "workshops" have been established right around the globe, with His product receiving "rave" reviews, particularly where the product is maintained according to the much revered owners "service manual" which is reported to be very practical and provides great detail of how to ensure travel with real fulfillment, and even supplies exciting insights of the road ahead and its endless wonders!

There can occur sometimes some unexpected " breakdowns" but it has been reported that "The Master" himself attends in person to these "breakdowns" and it has been noted that

"The Master" with all His expertise and wisdom (which is easily entreated  [James 3:17.]) not only renews the whole of "the machinery" but also provides bonus "updates" that give "wiz-bang" enjoyments of the road ahead, and all this benefit is completely FREE of cost,

except for where the owner may suffer some personal anxiety or loss due to their poor road travel management which was not according to the clear instructions of the "service

manual" [Psalm 119:105]. but even then there have been surprising claims that even with such sad events, it has wonderfully turned out that "all things have worked together for good" [Romans 8:28] and that the onward journey has yielded greater pleasure and blessing than aforetime experienced!

There have been enumerable exhibits sent to us of the amazing transformation and the excellent condition of the "travel unit" even after many years of travelling according to the complete guide "service manual", and such is the outstanding condition of the exhibit sent into us, shown below....

What a Transformation!

What a way to go!

Yes! The above is just a simple way of describing the reality of how great it truly is to Know The Lord!

Jesus said... "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life." Jesus goes on to say "no man cometh unto The Father but by me." [John14:6.]

What could we possibly present to The Father if we come in our own strength and "standing"?

What glaring reality would stand out, thus disqualifying us from entry into Heaven? Of course our sinfulness and defilement, but if we come via Jesus and are presented and represented by Him who "made the Worlds" and also......

By Him of whom it was announced before He was born "Thou shalt call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins" [Matthew 1:21.]

By Him of whom it was said "There is one mediator between God and men, The Man Christ Jesus" [1Timothy 2:5.]

By Him of whom it is said "Being justified freely by His Grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus" [Romans 3:24]

By the one of whom it was Prophesied 700 years before He was born into the human race "Surely He hath born our griefs and carried our sorrows, yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgression, He was bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our Peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all"

[Isaiah 53:4-6.]

We can only come by Him, even as Peter said these following words to Jesus...... "Lord , to whom shall we go, You have the words of Eternal Life." [John 6:68.]

The Lord thrill you with with the excitement of His great love for you and with the great blessing of knowing Him along this "road of life" as "The Great Transporter" from earth to Heaven's

Eternity, and as you travel along and notice some sad wrecks by the side of the road - "Back up" and offer The glorious "restoration" that this Gracious "Road Transporter" and His

workshop can offer.

Come to Jesus if you don't know Him and get on the Thrilling High Road of life!

Jesus Loves You!

God bless.

PS. If you do know The Lord, perhapse your Church youth group could use the above story illustration of the Gospel as a "skit".