Home The Wonder of what Jesus has done!

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

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It was Stated - The Impact of Jesus has "Turned

The World Upside Down" [Acts 17:6.]


Every Morning you get up, you start your

Calendar day from The Birth of Christ!


Is celebrated around The World, and even in

times of war, history has recorded the souls of men in the pains of

battle have yearned for "Peace on Earth and Good will toward men"

that heralded the coming and Birth of Christ, and have actually

orchestrated a cease Fire on Christmas day in the desperation for

Peace in the midst of humanity gone mad!


is celebrated around The World effecting the lives of

everyone domestically and commercially and even though the world is

much taken with the (Yummy) Easter egg, the reality about Easter is

the death, buriel, resurrection and vanquishing of the grave by Jesus

Christ for All of Mankind that will come to Him!


of His day carried out by the Roman

Soldiers said of Christ "never a man spake like this man" [John 7:46.]


 "What manner of Man is this that

even the wind and the sea obey Him" [Mark 4:41.] 



 Have your life turned Right side Up! - Start each calendar day

with purpose and an eternally secure future! - Have the Christmas

Peace in your heart while you walk this Peace-less earth because you

have received Christ as your saviour. - Rejoice in the Thrill that you

share in Christ, Resurrection and Victory over the Grave! - Be

greatly blessed each day to hear the Lord speak to you through

His Wonderful Word! - Behold what manner of God you have,

revealed in Jesus Christ who has loved you and gave Himself for you!

[Galatians 2:20.]

Jesus Loves You

  God Bless.