Home Pastors and The Church. Part 1.

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Write The Vision.
Written by Grant Hayman   
Article Index
Pastors and the Church - Part 1.
Page 2: * Glory Result? * Basic Synopsis * Special Note 1.- Call to examine. How to Build. Heavenly Revelation. * Hebrew and Greek Pastor Definitions.
Page 3: * Universal and Local Shepherds * Pastoral Ministry * Special Note 2 - Passion for Christ. Authority of the Word of God. * Misguided Constructions * Special Note 3 -Blessing and Spiritual Loss. * Maximum Blessing * Degenerate "Pew warmers" Syndrome.
Page 4: * Pastor Power and Spiritual Ease of the People * Order and Rule * Rule in Oversight * Honour in the House of God. * Church History and Related Pastor dangers * Ministring Titles and Pastor Hysteria * Ignatius Bishop of Antioch * Schaff - 'History of the Christian Church'.
Page 5: * Vital Special Note - Irenaeus and Perversion of Scripture. * Incredible Evidence of the Early 'Church Fathers' and 'Pastor Power'! * Writings of Ignatius and Tertullian. * Special Note - Warren W Wiersbe on The Deeds and Doctrine of the Nicolaitanes.
Page 6: * Helpful books for "Heavenly Vision" - The Normal Christian Church Life. - The Torch of The Testomony. - Pagan Christianity. - Biblical Church. - The Reformers and their Step Children.
All Pages


Pastors and the Church .

Part 1 .

Psalm` 27:4 .
"One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple"