Home Pastors and The Church. Part 2.

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Write The Vision.
Written by Grant Hayman   
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Pastors and The Church: Part 2.
Page 2: * The Reformation De-Formation. * Christendom Under The Domination of Man. * Seeds of Apostasy Today. * The Nature of the Early and Present Apostasy. * The Camouflage of Ministerial Honour. * The Snag of Clergy and Laity Division. * Honest Appraisal of Valid Church Order. * Diversity Not Exclusive Ministry. *
Page 3: * Gold Fever Rush for a Title. * Women and Teaching. * Titled Men not Born Again. * Academic Titles Danger. * Titled Seminery Graduates Degenerate into Anti-Christ Theology. * The Blight of Wheat Under Tares in Christendom. * Tares Thrive in the Professional Church. * The Fate of Courage in Apostasy.
Page 4: * Special Note 7 - Church Blow-Ups. * The Essence of a Professional Church. * Some Questions that Must be Asked. * The Desired Essence of a Local Church. * The Kingdom of God.
Page 5: * Troubling Comments that Reveal Pastor Power. * Pastor lordship over Believers. * The Term 'Pastor' and Professionalism. * Utterly Christ's Disciple. * Promotion of the Hot Pursuit to Know Christ More.
All Pages

Pastors and the Church.

Part 2 .