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Write The Vision.
Written by Grant Hayman   
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Pastors and The Church. Part 5.
Page 2: * The Word of God performed by the Spirit of God. * Who affecting? * One Man Dominance in the Local Church. * Any Dominance not by Positional Appointment. * How can such Glory and Blessing be Established. * The Question of - How to Include All Ministry? * Simplicity in Christ. * Bored or Blessed?
Page 3. * Sunday Morning Gathering * Ministry Team Prayer Before Meeting. * Possible Meeting Inclusions. * Leading the Meeting. * Special Note 1 - The Term 'Ministry Team. * Opening Prayer. * Special Note 2 - Sisters with Prayer and Testimony. * Special Note 3 - Spiritual Values not Successful Meeting Execution. * Announcements. * Brief (?) Ministry of the Word - The Table and Prayer Praise and Worship. * Special Note 4 - Children and Sunday School. * Open Prayer Worship Time. * Special Note 5 - The Priesthood of All Believers. *
Page 4: * Worship Time Reveals the Beauty of the Lord. * Worship Time for Offering Up Praise and Thanksgiving Only. * Great Blessing is the Result of "Ministering to The Lord" His Worthiness. * 6. Final Ministry of The Word. * Special Note - Baby Creche. * Meeting Duration - "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"!
Page 5: * Sunday Evening Gathering. * Diversity of ministry. * Biblical Inclusions for a Church Gathering. * The Charge of Oversight. * Liberty of 'Body' Function Ministry. * Sisters Sharing. * Open Floor Troubles. * Possible Spiritual Range of Sharing. * Possible Content of Sharing. * Sunday Evening Possible Inclusions.
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How ? - The Local

Church Edified.


Pastors and the Church.

Part 5.

******* The following is also an embedded appendage link

within the article - "Past conference 2011." *******