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Write The Vision.
Written by Grant Hayman   
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Pastors and The Church. Part 5.
PAGE 2: * Who Affecting. * One Man Predominance In The Local Church. * Any Prominence Should Not Be By Positional Appointment. * How Can Such An Affect of Glory and Blessing Be Established In The Local Church? * The Question Could be Asked. * The Matter is Simple Concerning the Management of Such a Tall Order! * Bored or Blessed.
PAGE 3: * Local Church Gathering according to the simple order of things mentioned. * Sunday morning gathering Before Meeting. * Typical Meeting Inclusions. * Leading the Meeting * Special note 1 * Opening Prayer. * Special Note 2. * Special Note 3. * Announcements. * Brief ministry of the Word on Prayer – Worship/Praise, and the Table. * Special Note 4.
PAGE 4: * Open Prayer Worship Time * Special Note 5 – Priesthood of All Believers. * Worship and The Beauty of The Lord Revealed. * Encouragement that Worship time for Offering up Praise and Thanksgiving Only. * Great Blessing is the result of “Ministering to The Lord”.
PAGE 5: * Final Ministry of The Word. * Special Note. * Meeting Duration – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly! * Special Note. Diversities of Gift and Operation in The Church * Biblical Inclusions for a Church Gathering. * Firstly the Charge of Oversight. * Secondly, the Liberty of Body Function Ministry. * Sisters Sharing. * Open Floor Troubles. * The Possible Spiritual Range. * The Possible Content of Sharing. * Sunday Evening Possible Meeting Inclusions.
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How ? - The Local

Church Edified.


Pastors and the Church.

Part 5.

******* The following is also an embedded appendage link

within the article - "Past conference 2011." *******

The Word of God performed by the Spirit of God.

¶ It has to be mentioned that there are some who would point out the spiritual danger of making an issue out of New Testament principles of Church government. If the Word of God is examined carefully, there is nothing in the Word that is to be actioned without the Spirit or without a beautiful Spirit quickening Word of God "principle" governing and breathing "life" into the practical fellowship of the Church gatherings. What is being sought to outline here is the reality that such wisdom of God can only be worked out by the Spirit or what will follow is spirituality that can be summed up as "clouds without water" and a mist of nothingness, disappointment and failure. What is sought to be emphasised here is this absolute must that any truth about Church government cannot be produced by man but man is to so position himself that the Lord may "perform his Word" with man. This was the case with Solomon in the building the house of God, that God Himself would perform his Word to accomplish such with the accompaniment of his glory! [1Kings` 6:12. 8:10-11.]

"Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father:" [1 Kings 6:12.]

"And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the Lord,
So that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord."
[1 Kings` 8:10-11.] 
¶ Our prayer should be (with joy and expectation of great things) "Lord perform your Word with me".

God won't accompany mans own ideas with his Glory! But if man will seek for the Lord to perform his Word with him then the power of the Spirit will carry him and the work according to the Word of God and great blessing and glory will follow. What was promised to be behind Solomon? The promise was that God would perform his Word and on that basis the Temple of God would be built and God's glory would fill it!