Home Chosen and Upheld

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.



Yes  dear brother and sister if you have come to Christ, then as Jesus said, (and what wonderfully comforting words they are,) "Ye have not chosen me but  I have chosen You." Yes again, you are very, very special because Jesus (The Lord of heaven and Earth) has Chosen YOU!

                                       What was involved in Choosing You.

The reason why you are very special is because He had to die for you to choose you and make you His own! We must remember that Jesus is The Mighty Jehovah "manifest in the flesh" and he knew you before you were born! Incidentally the Hebrew word for Jesus means "Jehovah Saved." so that when you come to Jesus you are "JEHOVAH SAVED"! Not just saved by a second lieutenant, but saved by the one who created the whole human race and has re-chosen to redeem the whole human race if they will come to Him, The Word of God is so clear about the greatness of Christ that he is the one that created all things, listen to Paul "For by Him (Jesus) were all things created, that are in Heaven and that are in the earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him" and the scripture goes on to say that "By Him all things consist and He ( that is the same one that Paul has been talking about) is the head of the body, the Church" [Colossians 1:16-18.] and we know who is the one referred to as "The head of the Church" - Christ. How Precious that Jesus has chosen You!

Remember that The Word says that "God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty" 1 Corinthians 1:27-29.] so that you shouldn't focus upon your neediness but Praise the Lord that He has made such choices  to emphasise His greatness and all that is needed is to go on bringing all your shortcomings to Him, trusting Him to empower you for His Glory.

                                                                "Yea I will Uphold Thee."

This is a wonderful part of the promise as well, not only will He not "cast thee away" but also He will uphold you and also the promise goes on, that He will "strengthen" and "help" also.

Job makes a great and wonderful statement; "Will He plead against me with His great Power, NO; but He would put strength in me" [Job 23:6.] Praise  the Lord for His promise, and His Grace toward us to "Put Strength" in every beliver to overcome every temptation, weakness and  trouble and that he will perform this fourfold goodness because He has chosen us; 1. Not cast away. 2. Uphold. 3. Strengthen. 4. Help.

Uphold has special connections in The Word.

Psalm145:14. "The Lord upholdeth all that fall"  - The greater meaning is that of falling down before Him with all our need, He will uphold us in His blessing.

Isaiah 42:1. "Behold my Servant, whom I uphold" - This is prophetic about Christ but is a principle  of His provision for all those that are lovingly serving Him.

Psalm 119:16. "Uphold me according to Thy Word". - The Lord will uphold us in all that is according to his word.

Psalm 51:12. "Uphold me with Thy Free Spirit" - What a great way and the only way to be upheld! - As  we read in another place "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith The Lord." [Zechariah4:6.] The word  "Free" means abundant, bountiful and without Limit. David never sought or expected the little, but sought and longed for the Bountiful and Full blessing of The Lord.

Jesus Loves You

The Lord bless you with much rejoicing that you are His and Chosen and Precious! - God bless.