Home The Lighthouse

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

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Hi Kids,        hope you are going as happy

as the dino on the carpet! If you were out on that stormy sea in a boat, you would

be looking to be able to see the lighthouse, wouldn't you, so that you didn't come

to grief on the rocks and sink in the dark stormy night.

Captains of a ship need to be able to see the lighthouse so that they can

              be kept... S _ F _  ...from the rocks as the sail up the coastline on  a

dark stormy night. Can you fill in the missing letters above?

Jesus said that He is "The Light of the World" [John 8:12.] 

We are all on a Sailing journey on the rough seas of

Life and there can be many dark stormy nights on the high seas as we

look for the Safe Harbour to Shelter in when the seas get a bit rough, and the

only safe Harbour that we can Shelter in for all Eternity is shown below....


Did you notice:

** What do you think the man is doing standing on the bow of the boat?



** What is the difference between the condition of the sea in the ocean

and in the harbour?



** Does the pilot of the ship looking for the harbour need to watch the

     Lighthouse if there is hidden reef?



You can find the answers if you click on "Kids Corner Details" in the "Kids

Corner" menu, or click here.

The only Lighthouse that can guide us safly past the horrible reef of Sin

and death is The Lord Jesus Christ because he has paid for our sin and

we don't need to become Shipwrecked there for all eternity.

Jesus Rose again and is The True and Faithful Lighthouse that gives us

light and direction to the safe Harbour to heaven and even if you feel you

have run aground on the "hidden reef" Jesus is still able to "fix your ship"

and guide you on to happy and safe sailing as you keep looking to (Jesus)

the Lighthouse.

As well as the Lighthouse for light and clear direction, also The Bible is... "A

Lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path" [Psalm 119:105.]

So you coud  say as a

 Lamp, The Bible would shine on our very close steps, just in front

of us, shining clear direction step by step on a dark night, and then the

verse mentioned above also says the Bible is "a Light unto our path", which

means it shines a long way ahead just like..

 a torch does. So The Bible is important to guide our

 steps close up like a lamp and also like a torch to shine upon the steps

that take us right on all the way to Heaven and into eternity showing us

great and mighty things that belong to those who have come to Jesus

for forgiveness and to have Him as Saviour and Friend.

How wonderful and bright  The Lord has made our path ahead on the

world's dark sea of life, keep looking to Jesus just like a seaman eagerly

 looking for the cheerful shining of the lighthouse to guide safe and sound

past all the dangers seen or unseen, and if you don't know Jesus yet you

can just say to Him now, something like... " Thank you Lord Jesus that

you love me so much that you as the good shepherd gave your life

to save me from sin and death so that you could take me to

heaven forever, please come into my heart, take away my sin and

make me yours, thank you Lord for comming into my heart to

stay forever"

Thanks Kids for being able to share  with you how great it is to know

The Lord.

Jesus Loves You.


The Lord bless you very much.

Rember not to miss the thrill of reading The Bible.