Home Going on with Christ

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

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   Is The most exciting experience that you can possibly have.

 If you have just come to know The Lord, then You are ... Yes, that's right you are!

You have come into Unbelievable benefits that you can BELIEVE, and also know a great JOY in your heart for such great things that you now possess for all Eternity.

When you came to Jesus you were born again Spiritually and that spiritual birth is as a child of God and you are now the child of the Mighty God of Creation, the Creator of all the Glory of the universe , and untold galaxies beyond our universe. -  How amazing is that?  What a High position The Lord has lifted you too, You are certainly on The High Road of Life and that is for Eternity!

The following are immediate benefits from Psalm 103:-

  • Verse 3. All our iniquities  are forgiven.
  • Verse 4. Our Life is redeemed from destruction.
  • Verse 4.  The Lord crowns us with loving-kindness and tender mercies.
  • Verse 5.  He Satisfies.
  • Verse 6.  The Lord deals with us in a right way.
  • Verse 8.  The Lord is merciful.
  • Verse 10. He has not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
  • Verse 11. His mercy toward them that fear Him is higher than the heavens.
  • Verse 12. As far as the East is from the West so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
  • Verse 13. The Lord pities us as a father pities his children.
  • Verse 14. God remembers our frame that we are but dust.

These are some basic benefits and promises just loaded with blessing that are available immediately when we come to Jesus and there can be real Joy with such prospects of having the gift of eternal life, salvation and Heaven but there is a need to.....

  Because you have an enemy, (Satan) that will use various means to make you feel offended or ashamed to be a Christian; don't be, should a person be ashamed, about learning not to lie, swear, talk gutter stuff, or whatever your former life was, it now has taken on a highly valued "upgrade" with much to benefit everyone around; this Good News of Great things about the Gospel is something you do not let go for riches or fame or anybody! Would it be possible for someone to be ashamed of being in possession of a million dollars? - Highly unlikely, well you are much more richer than that and these riches as declared in The Word of God are described as "Unsearchable Riches in Christ" [Ephesians 3:8.]and not like "Earthly riches" which only go as far as the grave, these Unsearchable Riches in Christ are an endless enjoyment and inexhaustible discovery and that is far from being something of which to be ashamed!

The following is a hymn composed by a 12 year old boy who became a christian and began to suffer a hard time of persecution at school, who on arriving home committed all to The Lord and then penned these words of assurance  that came to his heart with real Joy.



 Now that you have found this real joy of truth, ask The Lord to Guide you to a spiritual home where you can be blessed in fellowship with others and be encouraged in The Lord and built up in Faith and Spiritual growth. It is important to confirm again that the forward "growing in The Knowledge of the Lord" is also not by works but by Grace as Peter said "But grow in Grace and The Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." [2 Peter 3:18.]

If you would like to grab your Bible, perhaps we could look at some encouraging directions from The Word concerning going on with the Lord.

What are four things that is good for a christian to continue in? Ref.  Acts. 2:42.




Incidentally: There are many versions of The Bible that are available and the only safe and sure version in English is the King James Version; if you have a modern version and you have become used to that then that is ok, in time you will find an awareness of inaccuracy and an inclination toward the beautiful "tenor" and accurate truth of The King James or otherwise known as "The Authorised version"; it can be useful to have the variations of other versions which can help in the intellectual realm, but in the much needed arena of "Revelation"  by The Spirit of God there is much more clarity due to much more accuracy to truth in the King James Version. Now that we have mentioned The Word of God which The Bible says is "The Sword of The Spirit" we shall move on to The Christian "Armour".....

 He does look ready for action doesn't he? What are the armour parts to the Christian in the "Fight of Faith" that he faces Refer [Ephesians 6:11-18.]

  1. ...................................................................................................................................................................................
  2. ..............................................................................................................
  3. ......................................................................................................................
  4. ............................................................................................................................................
  5. ................................................................................................................
  6. ............................................................................................................................
  7. Though not part of the "Armour" Prayer is an all important one that brings "Heaven" into the Battle  .............................................................................................................................................................

Each part of The Armour is Important in the "Fight" in which we have the promise of Victory through and in Christ; "Now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ..." [2 Corinthians 2:14.] Notice the verse says "causeth" which  is a wonderful encouragement that The Lord understands, as He says in another place,"He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust" [Psalm 103:14.] and when we are low and discouraged, in loving kindness He Lifts us up and brings us through; there are many battles and "wrestlings" (as mentioned in the Ephesian passage) of which some are "without" (the oppositions of others or circumstances) and some are "within"  which are the many temptations of our old sinful nature (called the "old man" in The  Word) and inclinations of the flesh which The Word calls "The "Lusts of the flesh" [1 Peter 2:11.] which "War against the soul" as said in the [1 Peter 2:11.] text.

This "Glorious Fight", which must be referred to as a "GLORIOUS FIGHT" because of the Great things of The Lord's Goodness that VICTORY in CHRIST brings us into, and when we look to Him He CAUSES us to Triumph with a new joy and delight in Him, as is portrayed in the words of the following Hymn....


We have spoken about:- 

                                             The wonderful lasting benefits in Christ.

                                              Watch out! You have an enemy, who is out to destroy you but Christ said "I came to give Life and Life more abundantly" [John 10:10.]

                                              The blessing of Fellowship and a spiritual home where other believers gather and encourage one another, which is part of the question above with Acts 2:42. which we will comment on in the next article with the answers

                                              The Spiritual battle ahead and that Christ "The Captain of our Salvation" cannot fail us [Hebrews 2:10.] and the question answers on the soldiers armour will be in the next article.

Jesus Loves You.

The Lord bless you wih much of His Joy along this Heavenly road.

Ps. For details of answers to questions in this article go to "Beginners with Christ - Details"  Page in "Beginners with Christ" Menu.