Home Job: Blessed be The Name of The Lord

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

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                   "...(Job) fell down upon the ground and said, Naked

                      came I out of my mothers womb, and naked shall I

                      return thither: The Lord gave and The Lord hath taken

                             away; Blessed be The Name of The Lord"

                                               [Job 1:20-21.]


"In everything give thanks for this is The Will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" [1 Thessalonians 5:18.]

Don't be discouraged with the thought "the things that happen to me don't seem to be the portion of others" like Peter who after receiving some personal counsel about himself from the Lord, said about John "what shall this man do" and The Lord said to him "what is that to thee, follow thou me" [John 21:18-22.]

The wonderful truth about the course of reaction that Job took is, that The Lord is Lord over everything and He (that is The Lord) is the Blessed One and when we belong to Him we are "Blessed"!

This word "Blessed" has a wonderful meaning and it shouldn't be expressed in the "sacred" sense as "bless...ed" but in the shortened form of blessed which is the meaning of the beatitudes in which the Amplified Bible expresses the word "Blessed" as "Happy to be envied and spiritually prosperous [that is with Life-Joy and satisfaction....] are the poor in spirit" [Matthew 5:3.]

Paul's word above to the saints at Thessaloniki is full of precious meaning that "in everything" we can thank The Lord that we are in His will; I am not thankful that The Lord took my wife by the means of a prolonged suffering of cancer, but I am thankful that our precious one and my family in a unique way are in The Lord's GLORIOUS PURPOSE and because he is The "BLESSED" ONE, my dear wife is Blessed (More than we can possibly imagine because she is in the presence of her Lord in "FULLNESS OF JOY") and the whole family is kept in store to experience the great goodness of our Great Shepherd. "O give  Thanks unto The Lord for He is good and His mercy endureth forever". [Psalm 106:1.] Job said in another place "There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen: The Lion whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce Lion passed by it." [Job 28:7.] Praise the Lord "The fierce lion" (The Devil) hasn't even passed by it! And we can pray as David did "Lead me in The Way Everlasting." [Psalm 139:23-24.] because that "way" the enemy CANNOT TOUCH because it is in Christ and because we are in Him, therefore "In EVERYTHING" we can give Thanks "for this is The will of God in Christ Jesus concerning You."

Where you are now, you are in The Lord's Will and whatever the issues are they may not be the issues or experience that "concern" others but you can Thank the Lord and gather everything up as being His will "in Christ Jesus CONCERNING YOU"

If things haven't been right and you haven't been right - don't hold back, Jesus loves you - Peter found that out and said "casting All your care upon Him for He careth for you" You are "In Christ" and God has "Back Stage Management" of everything concerning you and has on offer "The best" for you as you turn to Him as David did, and he in the face of horrible loss "encouraged himself  in the Lord and Recovered all." [1 Samuel 30:18.] So rise up, Thank Him for His Love for you and say with Job "Blessed be The Name of the Lord" and encourage yourself in the Lord, seeking Him as David did and know also The Lord's wonderful grace abounding toward you, meeting every need.

Jesus Loves You.

  The Lord bless you much, in resting all in His will.