Home Going on with Christ - Assurance.

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.





Incidentally, we will be going over some of the points covered in "Going on with Christ - Basics" because of the many vital things touched on there which were covered to give an initial wide "Birds eye view" of  The Greatness that we have entered into in Christ ; we want now to look at the all important truth about "assurance of salvation" -

 Paul said  "I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day" [2 Timothy 1:12]  As you know The Lord more and more you will be persuaded about His Goodness, faithfulness and love and be assured with great joy that "All the promises in Christ Jesus are yea and amen" [2 Corinthians 1:20.]

The following scroll is in "How to begin with Christ" and we didn't cover much of the truth contained in those verses, so we will have a closer look now...


Why did did the apostle John write this letter to the early Christians? Refer verse 13 in the above scroll, The Answer is that they might Know, without any doubt that they Have Eternal Life! How wonderful are these Words of Life as the following Hymn expresses....




 Verse 9.  "If we receive the witness of men The Witness of God is Greater " --Why?

Because "God is not a man that He should lie" [Numbers 23:19-20.] If we go and  buy the local paper  and begin to take notice of what we are reading, and if we aren't, then we wouldn't have bought the paper in the first place! so very easy we can often receive "the witness of men" who have an enormous potential to lie; so then that makes the "witness of God greater"! - And in the scroll verses are the words of This Great....

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 ...which  tell us That God has recorded and made it clear "That God hath given to us Eternal Life and This Life is in His Son." This Eternal Life has already been Given - Christ has already died, Risen again from the Dead, conqured the Grave for all of mankind and is "Alive forever more" [Revelation 1:18.] and is able to give grave conquering Eternal Life to any and all that come to Him, because He Purchased that Free Gift for the Whole World! How wonderful and Great is this Gospel Message! No wonder Paul said....

 [1 Thessalonians 5:16]

When you come to Christ and receive Him as your Saviour, He comes into your life, and  no amount of doubts can change that, and when and if doubts come you just stand upon the promise of God ("who cannot Lie" [Titus 1:2.]) that this promise "in Christ Jesus is Yea and Amen"! The following is a wonderful Hymn expressing this confidence in the Lord and His Word....



Now, The All Important Question?

If someone were to ask you how do you know that you are born again or how do you know that you have Eternal Life, what would be your answer? Your answer of course would be, that you Know that you have Eternal Life because it is the Promise of The Word of God and as the Hymn says, You are "Standing on The Promises of God." "God is not a man that he should Lie" [text as above.]

  Notice also in verse 10 in the scroll above that The Bible also says that when we believe on Jesus for salvation and The Gift of Eternal Life, that also we receive and have the witness in ourselves, but sometimes through spiritual battles and discouragements there can lack this registration and inward "witness" in our spirit and it is then that there is a need to continue to go on by faith "Standing on the Promises of God". He who made the mouth, is He not able to speak? What great assurance we have in all His wonderful promises in His Word and what great evidence there is all around us of the predictions of The Bible being fulfilled proving it's absolute Authority and accuracy.

When you stand on the promises of The Word of God, you are counting on something so eternally dependable and unmoveable that Jesus states....

 "Heaven and Earth shall Pass away but My Words shall not pass away" [Matthew 24:35.]

It must be remembered that when Jesus says "My Words", included within that measure is the fact that He is "The Word" [John 1:1 & 14.] as it is said of Him talking to the two men on the Emmaus road, that He "Expounded unto them in all The Scriptures the things concerning Himself, beginning at Moses and the prophets" [Luke 24:27.] - So when your standing on The Word of God, you are standing on something more solid than the very Earth your walking on and more solid than the Heaven your heading for!

Stand on The Word of God and you stand for Eternity, and for the unbeliever, if they Forsake The Word  of God they fall for all Eternity!

Jesus Loves You.

 The Lord bless you much with great Assurance of his Love and Wonderful Words of Life.