Home They Resorted again, He taught Again.

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

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Written by Grant Hayman   


"And He arose from thence, and cometh into the coasts of Judea by the farther side of Jordan: and the people resort unto Him again; and, as He was wont, He taught them again" [Mark 10:1.]

Four things here:

1."Farther side": Sometimes a remedy for needs can seem farther away than we would like, but don't let that discourage, because.. "Ah Lord God! Behold, Thou hast made the Heaven and the Earth by Thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for Thee" [Jeremiah 32:17.]

2. "Resort unto Him": Praise The Lord, though things can seem on the "far side" of being right, a bit like the "far side" comedy cards, and you just can't seem to make sense of things, we can do what the people did on this occasion, they "resorted unto Him ". How greatly we need The Lord's help not to "resort" to things in our own strength, or "resort" to using our own wisdom! But go to Him, He is "The Way The Truth and the Life"; [John 14:6.] If we "resort" only to Him concerning the "Mountain" whatever it is, or however large it may be; that "Mountain" then becomes His! And no mountain is any problem to Him, as His promise says, "I will make all my Mountains a Way and my Highways shall be Exalted" [Isaiah 49:11.] and what can appear to be such rough terrain, severe enough to break any traveller, The Lord is able to turn into a highway of blessing!

3. "Again": The Lord greatly encourages us with the parable of the "unjust Judge" concerning Prayer; This widow continued to "trouble" this judge till he attended to the widows plight, and so Jesus gave the parable, teaching that, to "this end, men ought always to pray and not to faint". [Luke 18:1-6.] We can come to Him again and again with all our cares, just as these people Resorted to Him "again" and the Lord delights to receive us and give the blessing we hunger for.

4. "He taught them again": How wonderful The Lord is to teach us again, and again! There is a wonderful confidence that we can have not only concerning ourselves, but also others, and that is, "Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you, will perform it until the day of Christ." [Philippians 1:6.]

The Lord encourage you with the joy that there is nothing too far out of reach for Him to remedy; just go to Him, "resort" only to Him again, and on a continuing basis, and he will lovingly teach you afresh His "Marvellous lovingkindness" [Psalm 17:7.] which is sufficient to meet every need.

Click on this great encouragement in song:

"Give them All to Jesus." 

by Evie Karlsson.

Jesus Loves You.

  * The Lord Bless. He does the Best! *