Home The Blessing of Abraham

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

Written by Grant Hayman   





"That The Blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of The Spirit through Faith" [Galatians 3:14.]


According to the promise to Abraham which is Yours in Christ, You are blessed beyond description! Abrahams Promise is.......



God has purposed that the Blessing that Christ is and will be throughout all eternity will be displayed in you and  through you! Paul declares... "In Him (that is Christ) dwelleth all the fullness of The Godhead bodily and ye are complete in Him which is the head of all principality and power" [Colossians 2:9-10.] Notice the word "bodily", and what are you part of as a believer in Christ? You are part of The Church which is The Body of Christ and that's why Paul says that you are "complete in Him". This is the direction that every believer should be heading, not completeness in a career, or job or any earthly thing as a primary goal but in hot pursuit of the completeness in this great "Blessing of Abraham" as Paul said  "Forgetting those things which are behind  and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for The Prize of The high calling of God in Christ Jesus." [Philippians 3:13-14.] 

Press on dear brother and sister, God said to Moses "Go forward"; David also mentioned this "High calling"  "Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me, such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is High I cannot Attain unto it" [Psalm 139:5-6.] "Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor entered into the heart of man the things that God hath prepared for them that love him, but God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit..." [1 Corinthians 2:9-10.] The Lord has beset you before and behind, and even if much has meant "brokenness" it is all still in His loving purpose to bring you into this full and rich eternal blessing in Christ; David and Job were brought to brokenness because The Lord was able to make their heart soft, and as we come low at His feet confessing our utter spiritual bankruptcy as they both did,we shall experience great blessing as they also did; Abraham also was brought to utter emptiness and weakness to inherit the blessing that God had promised, The Lord allowing him not to make any mistake about the fact that the Blessing of God is not by our power but totally by resurrection Life; what a thrill to Abraham when his body and Sarah's body was long deato then be blessed with a son causing great joy in the thrill that the birth of Isaac was without any doubt of God and in fulfillment of God's Mighty promise that in Abraham's seed would "all the families of the Earth be blessed"; The Lord had to remind Abraham again and again that this blessing was going to come by promise and by faith and not by any works of his own according to his schemes of presenting Eliezer and Ishmael, and The Lord will remind us again and again to trust Him and wait upon Him.

The Main Greatness of this word to the Galatian Church is this Glorious Reality that just as Abraham by faith received the promise that in Him would "all the Families of the Earth be blessed" and you and I have been blessed in Christ according to that promise because through Abraham Christ has been presented and manifest to the whole world producing such Glorious blessing that cannot be calculated, and so in the same way, we through The Spirit because we are part of Him, and part of his Body, shall be through all eternity a glorious expression and revelation of The beauty and glory  of Christ, and in us (The Church) shall all of heaven and Earth be blessed just as in Abraham all the families of the Earth have been blessed! It must be remembered that Abraham received this great blessing BY PROMISE and that BY FAITH! You might say this is all to high, this is too much to believe. O No, This is The great love and Grace of God, and such truth is reflected in many parts of the Word, such as The Lord's own word "It's The Fathers good pleasure to give you THE KINGDOM" [Luke 12:32.] And Paul "Blessed be The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with ALL SPIRITUAL Blessings in heavenly places in Christ." [Ephesians 1:3.] "To the intent that now unto the principalities and Powers  in the Heavenly places might be KNOWN BY THE CHURCH THE MANIFOLD WISDOM OF GOD" [Ephesians 3:10.]

The last part of the verse from Galatians "That we might receive the promise of The Spirit through Faith" is very important because it was announced concerning the birth of Christ that... "that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Gohst" [Matthew 1:20.] Paul said  "Though we  have known Christ after the flesh yet Now henceforth know we Him no more, therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature..." [2 Corinthians 5:16.] This "Blessing" can only come via The Spirit and that by faith and is by promise. This blessing and the promise that we shall be a blessing and the actual establishment of it is spiritual and of the Spirit and that can only happen where there is faith. Thats why Paul said to the Galatian believers  "O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you..... having begun in The Spirit are you now made perfect by the flesh" [Galatians 3:1-2.] "....Received ye The Spirit by the works of The Law or by the hearing of Faith" [Galatians 3:2.]

Be looking unto Jesus, and as He is more and more the 'finisher" or "perfector" of your faith (according to Hebrews 12:2.) you will experience the promise of The Spirit and great blessing in knowing Christ and the power of His resurrection more and more.

Jesus Loves You.

The Lord encourage you much in His Great promise of Blessing.