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 Pages it is hoped, may in some small way

                              Provide the thrilling discovery,

                              That Jesus is "The Way ".

                              The venture is small but the work is great,

                               If for some soul it doth make,

                               some cheerful inspiration in The Lord to take.

    This point in time [23rd. April 2009.] we are at the very start of this endeavour to present Jesus christ with the same words that Pilate used but with a different emphasis.....



...And as John the baptist did......



....And as John the Apostle did...  


This little spot in the web book (as  mentioned on the home page) is not representing any religion, Church or organisation but "The excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His Marvellous Light" and through this little hole in this dark world's wall, we are trusting that this "marvellous light" of Christ will stream through with great blessing to any that might venture to "see" as Moses did when he saw the burning bush... "I will now turn aside to see this great sight why the bush is not burned" - Now this is not a great (web) "site" but a plain one, yet we trust that with The Lord's help as time goes on, much of His goodness and Greatness will be revealed here, and as Moses turned aside to "see" and also "heard" The Voice of The Lord, so likewise we pray that those that "turn aside"  to "see" this site will also hear The Voice of The Lord and Live! [John 5:25.]


These beginnings are very small and with the prayer support of the church and individual help and encouragement from others within the Church, it all makes for much thanks to The Lord (and folks) for all His Goodness, and the prayer is as David prayed  "The Lord take my part with them that Help me" [Psalm 118:7.] And then there is much Trust needed in The Lord to have a "Heart inditing a good matter" and then the Lord's enabling to be "The pen of a ready writer" [Psalm 45:1.] sharing at this site something of "The Unsearchable Riches of Christ" [Ephesians 3:8.]

  Perhaps there are a number of possibilities of the usefulness of this "look in" but mainly at the top would be:-

A Provision for those who don't know The Lord and are looking for an Answer to Life and Eternity's big Questions.

A Provision for those who do know Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord and desire to grow spiritually and get to know Him in a deeper way.

A Provision as a "follow up" help resource for those who are serving The Lord, and seek to provide reference material for encouragement of those looking for answers to spiritual needs.

   It is Great being a christian, It can't be put into words the thrill it is, to be persuaded and rejoicing that you "know whom you have believed" and with heart felt thankfulness recall all the Riches of Gods Grace and His Kindness toward me through Christ Jesus, and today there is a happy declaration and Shout of a Mighty King, of Great Glory and wealth  that has stooped to lift us all into Riches and Honour and Glory, greater than King Solomon's Earthly Wealth, Majesty and Power.

How good The Lord has been to me, as King David exclaimed in  Psalm 103:1. "Bless The Lord O my soul and all that is within me, Bless His Holy Name and forget not all His benefits"; David goes on (in that Psalm) to speak of those "benefits" of which I can also Praise the Lord.

How wonderful is the benefit of His forgiveness, as we read in verse three,"who forgiveth all thine iniquities" and in verse four "who redeemeth thy life from destruction, who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies"; Is that not a Wonderful Saviour, offering such lovingkindness and rich blessing? 

TheLord has certainly done all these for me and as the last one mentions, He has crowned me with His lovingkindness and tender mercies, even when I have been far from deserving such love and Goodness.

** Came to Christ in 1961 at a Methodist Church "Christian Endeavour" Youth Rally.

** Served within the Methodist Church as a Youth Group leader and lay preacher with my dear friend and brother in Christ, Lindsay Balgowan in The Unanderra and Berkeley Parishes on the south coast, N.S.W. Australia.

** In the late 60's received a clear call from The Lord after reading "The Normal Christian Church Life" by Watchman Nee, to follow The Lord according to the simple but beautiful principles revealed in His Word concerning His work and Church Life, function and pattern.

** Then began a small Church gathering within a home at Mangerton, which was to be the spiritual home of my wife Ellie, and two sons Andrew and David for the next 11 Years, in which time The Lord blessed and The Church grew.

** In the early 80's The Lord encouraged us with serving Him in our own locality, and we opened up our Home and thus begun a New Testament Assembly which became known in time as Oak Flats Christian Fellowship and under The good Hand of The Lord the work has grown and we Praise The Lord for the very precious ongoing expression of Christ among, and through this very dear company of Believers. 


The Apostle Paul unfolded to The Church at Ephesus much about the deep Mysteries of God and the glories of Christ and after expounding such depths in his wind up in chapter 3 before moving on in Chapter 4 to practical applications of those spiritual truths he relates a little bit of personal testimony of The Lord's call upon him and says in chapter 3:8-10.  "Unto me who am less than the least of all saints is this grace given  that I should preach among the Gentiles The unsearchable riches of Christ and to make all men see what is the fellowship of The Mystery, which from the beginning of The World hath been hid in God who created all things by Jesus Christ: To the intent that now unto the Principalities and Powers in Heavenly places might be known by The Church The Manifold Wisdom of God."

What immense Eternal Greatness and blessing is involved in this twofold purpose for which the Grace of God had set him apart.

The hearts desire and prayer to God is for this same twofold purpose by the same Grace of God to be fulfilled here amongst these pages bringing precious blessing and enlightenment in the following spiritual dimensions:-

  To make known The Unsearchable Riches of Christ to any that don't know The Lord, providing encouragement of the greatness of this Gospel of "Good tidings of Great Joy" and also share the wonderful completeness that a believer has in Christ.

To make Known as Paul conveyed in the above text, "what is the fellowship of The Mystery".

This twofold purpose remains the same today as in the beginning and dawn of "The Dispensation of The Grace of God"; All of the Work of God can be summed up in these two great statements.

The "Mystery" intent mentioned in 3:10 is "The manifold Wisdom of God" in all of it's splendour and marvel being on display throughout all eternity through the Church.

How can the manifold Wisdom of God in all of it's multifarious glorious variegated variety be manifest through the Church? What a high calling that is!

Christ is, as we read in 1 Corinthians 1:24. "Christ the Power of God and The Wisdom of God." so Him being "The Wisdom of God" and Him being The Head  of the Church and the saints being his Body, means that every  believer in the Body of Christ is a participator, in manifesting The Manifold Glory that Christ is, in the same way that a person's body is always functioning and participating in the full expression of The Head and personality. In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul goes to great detail about the Church being the body of Christ and says that believers make up the parts of the Body of Christ and mentions members such as eyes and ears and nose, and he says that the  "eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of thee" [1 Corinthians 12:21.] How wonderful that as members in the body of Christ, we can be eyes and ears and nose which are very vital parts in the expression of any person, and how great and precious is EVERY member in the body of Christ, who are all vital participants in the expression of HIS LIFE and GLORY on display to "Principalities and Powers in the Heavenly places" throughout all eternity. It has to be mentioned also the rejoicing of our preciousness to The Lord, as The Word of God clearly says  "nor again the Head to the feet, I have no need of thee" [1 Corinthians 12:21.] - that means that The Lord of Heaven and Earth is giving The Church the recognition that He, needs you and me; what Grace and great calling has been bestowed upon us, as Paul said "to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called with all long suffering, forbearing one another in love" [Ephesians 4:1-2.] Truly we can say with David "What is man that Thou art so mindful of Him" [Psalm 8:4.]



Given the exceeding preciousness of the "Church which is His Body" how much it does behove us to take to heart Paul's words...  "For I am jelous over you with a Godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ; But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtility, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ." [2 Corinthians 11:2-3.]

It is hoped with The Lord's gracious help to be able to unfold here something of the passion, that Paul had, "to make all men see what is the fellowship of The Mystery"; and also to share here something of The Glory of Christ, toward which a Local Church can progress, if and as "Christ is All" and All is under His headship.

The Lord himself be your Rich portion. [Psalm 16:5-6.] 

God Bless.

Grant Hayman.