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T. Austin Sparks - Messages.

Written by Grant Hayman   

The following brief outline of the "Glorious Gospel of Christ" covers the exciting and only answer to all religious huff puff that furnishes nothing of the frightening and yet FANTASTIC one reality that is found in no other religion but the Gospel (Thrilling surpassing good news) of Christ!

This ONE REALITY IS - Where to find one pure enough to stand in for the human race, on its side to assuage it's blame of deplorable culpable sin against Heaven by bearing the JUST JUDGMENT prescribed by God which is ..... DEATH?

Doesn't this world in the expanse of great nations still exist because of JUSTICE served out upon the mad extents of man's horrendous behaviour not only against Heaven but also against his neighbour? Why, would any of us be alive today if JUSTICE disappeared from the human race?

God's righteousness demands JUSTICE! And Jesus Christ the man from Heaven with the power and love of God for a world of sin and sinners has taken the massive blow and not only died for our sins but gloriously conquered man's GRAVE and RISEN again to give an answer to his faith of RESURRECTION and ETERNAL LIFE!

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Obviously the human race is stumped at the grave!

Whether it is physical death, Sickness, War, Violence, Bitterness and every other minor nasty of man's nature; all is because of sin and the only viable end to it all, as prescribed by God is death! And there you are in this massive maze of eons of human death, and stumped without power to redeem your life!

But wait! .....

There is someone who has come with the mighty power of Heaven, and love for you and me, and dealt a blow to man's devilish blight of death, and reigns as,    "The Prince of Life"! [Acts 3:15.] to save and give eternal life to all those who believe on Him (Jesus) as their Saviour and Lord.

No Joke! Is it not a fantastic thing to have Eternal Life in your possession? Why, to exist forever is a certainty for everyone.

When our body gives way to God's sentence of death because of the encasement of sin, the real person vacates the body, possessed by death or in possession of Eternal Life!

"Christ died for our sins", [1 Corinthians 15:3.] which affords sinners forgiveness: And rose again triumphant over the grave with the power "of endless Life" which is the Gift and receiving of Eternal Life for all who believe on Him.    "The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord" [Romans 6:23.]

So, you're skeptical about existence beyond the grave? You don't think that part of you is spirit and soul? What is personality, intuition, feelings, awareness?

The occult and the use of 'spiritual mediums' by law enforcement, with pin point accuracy, is a proven reality!

The Bible calls our body a 'tabernacle', which means a temporary dwelling place, where we abide till our mortality ends; being swallowed up by death.. But with Christ the Bible says, at death our mortality is swallowed up of LIFE instead of Death, because Christ is risen from the grave and is "alive forever more and has the keys of hell and of death"! [Revelation 1:18.]

There is no other answer to man's death dilemma! Peter said to Jesus on one occasion when a challenge presented itself - "Lord to whom shall we go, you have the Words of Eternal Life" [John 6:68.] There is no other answer but the Gospel of Christ to the glaring need of justice to be served upon man's culpable sinfulness in the sight of Heaven and yet at the same time, gloriously provide mercy, and a complete deliverance from the guilty sentence of death!

There's no other place, but in the stead of Christ for any person to stand, in order to be made free, saved and forgiven!

As an old hymn of truth says ...

"There was no other good enough To pay the price of sin. He only could unlock the gate of Heaven and let us in."

How wonderful is this truth expressed in the following Bible verse - "For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God." [1 Peter 3:18]

Jesus has died for your sins, is risen again and ascended to the "majesty on High" as "The Just One" for you! He is there, as your powerful Just advocate. Your forgiveness, and Eternal Life, cannot be refused as you believe on Him. You are "brought to God", Justified by "The Just One", Saved and Forgiven!!

How fantastic!

We are brought to God by the Son of God who suffered our judgement and humiliation; took our death, "despised the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God" [Hebrews 12:2.] And there at the Throne of God, Jesus intercedes for You and me to know the great love of God's goodness and blessing more and more, and to experience all the benefits freely given us in Christ.

Some wonderful benefits in the above Psalm are - * He Forgives us: * Removes our sins as far as the east is from the west! * Redeems our life from destruction! * He knows our frame and remembers we are but dust. * Crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies!

What a wonder is the Love of God for You! And "How shall we escape if we neglect So Great Salvation"! [Hebrews 2:3.]

Man's greatest sin in the face of God, is to reject his Son, so freely given to "bare our sins" and save us from the judgement we all deserve.

Dear friend, at this point having read thus far the great glad tidings of the Gospel of Christ, are you ready to have Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord?

The Promise is - "He that has the Son has life; and he that has not the Son of God has not life." [1 John 5:12.] "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:" [John 1:12.]

Ask Jesus to come into your life Today!

If you've asked Jesus to come into your life, then according to God's Word, you have passed from Death unto Life and shall not come into condemnation and judgement no matter What sin you have been guilty of!

Jesus said ... "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." [John 5:24.]

If you haven't asked Jesus to come into your life, you can do so now with a simple prayer like ... "Lord Jesus, thank you for taking my judgement of death on the cross, and rising again from death with the gift of Eternal Life for me. Come into my life now, my Saviour, Friend and Lord."

The Bible says of the Christian - "Christ in you the hope of GLORY". Why? * Because the one who is your Redeemer is the "King of Kings and Lord of lords" [1 Timothy 6:15.]

* Jesus is the creator of Heaven and Earth: All thrones, dominions, powers and The coming Kingdom over ALL, is His!

* "He is before all things and by Him ALL things Consist"! * Jesus is "the head of the Church, to have the Preeminence in ALL things"

* And "In Him dwells ALL the fullness of the Godhead". All this Greatness of the Lord Jesus Christ is found in Colossians 1:13-20.

The Bible says - "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised and His Greatness is Unsearchable". [Psalm 145:3.] REJOICE!!

This "Eternal Life" is Christ's Life in us, and we have been made a part of that. Christ is in the believer by His Spirit which is "The Holy Spirit" and by His Spirit we are "Born Again" making us children of God.

If we didn't have Christ in us by His Spirit we would be "dead in trespasses and sins" [Ephesians 2:1.] heading for the "Lake of Fire which is the second Death"! [Revelation 21:8.]

How Great is the sinners deliverance in Christ! The Bible says - "When Christ, who is our Life shall appear, then shall you also appear with Him in Glory!" [Colossians 3:4.] This "new Life" ahead for every believer is potentially Glorious. "Press toward the mark for the Prize of the High calling of God in Christ Jesus"! [Philippians 3:14.]

Job said from the outset of his great trial .... "Though the Lord slay me, yet will I trust him"! [Job 13:15.] And he did trust, and won the Prize! God's richest blessing!

No matter what trials, difficulties, or dealings of the Lord, that you may face, remember the promise ... "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ". [Romans 8:35]

The Lord Jesus will NEVER leave you or forsake you! [Hebrews 13:5-6.] Even if, at times "....we believe not he abideth faithful he cannot deny himself." [2 Timothy 2:13.]

Press on for the Prize of the Lord's rich blessing! The Prodigal son went from rags to the "best robe". [Luke 15:11-32.]

The Lord has the Best for You!