Home Rich Portion

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.



                              "The Lord is The Portion of mine Inheritance

                        and of my cup: He mainteneth my Lot.

                      The Lines are Fallen unto me in Pleasant

                       Places; Yea I have a Goodly Heritage"

                                       [Psalm 16:5-6.]

There were times when David had MUCH as King of Israel and times when he had only "a cup" as a displaced King of Israel, but whatever his situation his passion and longing was "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want" [Psalm 23:1.] and at the end of the 16th Psalm -  "Thou wilt shew me the Path of Life, in Thy Presence is fullness of Joy at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." [Psalm 16:11.]

The fullest Joy that David ever experienced was never being King, never defeating Golieth or the Bear or the Lion but The Thrill of the Vision of The Lord's Glory and The grace of God that it is ALL offered to man! and this wonder is seen in his words in Psalm 8 and in many other places such as Psalm 40, and how he "danced before The Lord with all his might" [2 Samuel 6:12-14.] when he brought the ark of the covenant home to him with great gladness. How deep and in simple faith was David's love of The Lord and His Word, seeking to be in the realm of this blessing forever. The Lord give us such a strong love and delight in Him and His Word.

Every believer in Christ is Fantastically Rich and even if dear brother and sister you may be going through a low time at the moment, check out your own personal Goldmine that is registered in your name and the "Landmark" lines have been drawn  and those lines have been drawn in, immeasurable and glorious places because The Lord Himself is YOUR ETERNAL PORTION!

The apostle Paul said  "Be content with such things as ye have for He hath said "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee" [Hebrews 13:5.] - How little we know and appreciate the Wonder that Christ IS into whom we have been baptised and "Blessed with ALL Spiritual blessings in Heavenly places In Christ" [Ephesians 1:3.] I remember one occasion being stopped in the street by a couple of Jehovah Witness folk and in the course of the conversation being told that I "wouldn't be going to Heaven, that such special treatment was reserved for the 144 thousand mentioned in the book of Revelation"; upon hearing such a sad  tale they were  referred to Ephesians 1:3 and joyfully advised that their statement was a bit late because I was already there and also currently enjoying the blessing that is promised!

"Set your affections on things above" dear brother and sister, because when  "Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in Glory" [Colossians 3:1-5.]

David also mentions "Thou maintainest my lot", and how encourageing is that? The Lord is holding in reserve for you  "great things" so  be "looking unto Jesus" and press on to apprehend more of that for which Christ has apprehended you.  [Philippians 3:12.]

Be encouraged that as we "with purpose of Heart cleave unto The Lord" following Him as Daniel did we shall hear The Lord's "glorious voice" [Isaiah 30:30.]  and the wonderful promise spoken to Daniel..



The Lord bless you as you go on and become more and more like Daniel, a man or woman "Greatly beloved" knowing The lord alone as The portion of your inheritance and of your cup and being greatly assured of Daniel's promise that you WILL stand in your precious "Lot" at the End.

Jesus loves You.

God Bless