Home Urgent - United Australia Party.

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.


The above phrase is a wordy substitution of a verse from the Bible and the rest of the verse is .... "AND CHRIST SHALL GIVE YOU LIGHT"! [Ephesians 5:14].

This website is a Christian based, Prophetic based and Bible based Shining Lighthouse,

Not only a 'Lighthouse' light, warning of the Reef of Sin and Eternal Death to Avoid Through Christ,



What is happening to you in Australia and the same also across the globe is predicted in the Bible.

Check out the truth of the Bible for yourself in a world of lies.

Find the peace of God for your heart in a troubled world and experience the joy of all God's promises found alone in "Christ the Saviour of the world" [John 4:42]

All Christians (i.e. those who have Jesus in their heart and life as their own personal Saviour and Lord of everything) are safe. Jesus will take into sudden custody his Church from off the face of the earth in response to the rejection of His Gospel and call to Godliness.

The fierceness of hell will be left to subjugate the whole world under the dark (Darth) Vader tyranny of the hordes of deceived politicians beguiled by the rising of a man of great swollen words of vanity and power to deceive the nations, who will be inspired by that original "old serpent the Devil" [Genesis 3:1-4; Revelation 12:9; 20:2; 2 Corinthians 11:3].

Below is the dire warning from The United Australia Party about the many points of the disasterous Albanese Labour Government.

Click on this play button to go directly to their article including links for the full round up, planned deception and unlawful heist of Australia and YOUR FREE LIFE.

Don't believe in the current smiles, gestures and lies. Just look at the mountains already piled up as proof!

* Please Note: *


All United Australia Party links have been added Providing identical content to their posting sent out to all their members.

The above "play" button still selects their original communication. Transcription of the article was done to catch the old brain box before it switched off and then miss out on such paramount ghastly truth as to what is happening in the dark haze of the management of this Country: Linked boots and all to the worldwide deep state globalism (UN, WEF, WHO) agenda.


Latest update from the UAP. Anthony Albanese in freefall and taking hard working Australians with him.

Take particular attention to the alarming revelations of the Albanese disaster by Sky News presenter Paul Murray.

Stand up Australia for Freedom and life.

Call on Anthony Albanese (the prime minister) to resign.

Call on the Australian Parliament to resign from membership with The United Nations, The World Economic Forum and The World Health Organisation and All their Unelected interference of Ambitious Control over the Governance of the peoples of Australia.


The government wages war on Australians


According to FoodBank, a shocking 3.7 million Australian households experienced food insecurity in the last 12 months.

That's 36% of the entire population and more than the number of households in Sydney and Melbourne combined. The figure is up 383,000 on the previous year.

This is highly concerning for every Australian and a damning indictment on the Albanese Labor Government.

This is a government whose entire election campaign was based on promises to ease the cost of living. What we have instead is akin to the managed decline of a proud nation. You can be excused for thinking this disastrous government has declared war on its own citizens.

The cost of living crisis is the worst most of us has ever known, yet the government does nothing except crow about a $20 billion surplus. No doubt they are reserving the spending for the 6 months prior to the next election.

The Prime Minister is damaging Australia and gambling with our future. Petrol prices; interest rates; food prices; transport costs, power prices - the list goes on and on. Add to that the housing crisis being exacerbated by a quite ridiculous immigration policy that will see 1.5 million more people enter the country. Then there's the environmental and economic vandalism of the march to Net Zero and the worrying implications for base load power. It means this cost of living crisis is here for many years to come.

This deranged government is hell bent on wrecking our country.

If all that wasn't bad enough, the threats to our democracy from this government continue unabated. The dangerous misinformation/disinformation bill, the WHO treaty, the inevitable path towards a digital currency and government ID - it all sounds very Orwellian, but it's happening right now before our eyes.

This arrogant Prime Minister won't even face the music. Instead 'Airbus Albo' heads to the United States effectively canceling a sitting week to do deals with Bill Gates. Time and time again Anthony Albanese proves he is all about the elites and couldn't care less about the rest of us.

Tell your friends, family and colleagues and make this government pay at the next election, because when a government wages war on its people, it's no longer about right versus left, it's about right versus wrong.


Nothing to see here, says Minister Gallagher

The ever-so-trustworthy Labor Minister Katy Gallagher says the WHO pandemic treaty will not automatically become Australian law and will require legislation through the parliament.

Responding to a question from UAP Senator Ralph Babet, Ms Gallagher read from a prepared statement but her words will do little to calm the fears of Australians who have witnessed how the federal and state governments behaved during the Covid-19 pandemic.

We already know this government can't be trusted. Their Mis/Disinformation Bill designed to curb free speech in this country (in line with WEF edicts already rolled out in the EU) gives us the strongest indication yet that the government will ignore what is good for Australia and stifle any debate to the contrary.

In another question posed to Minister Gallagher by Senator Babet, she reiterated her stance that Covid-19 vaccination is safe, a community responsibility and in the community's interest.

Okay Minister.

















Kruse sounds another WHO warning

While Labor's Katy Gallagher claims there is nothing to worry about, Swiss lawyer Philipp Kruse takes a deep dive into the dangerous World Health Organisation (WHO) treaty that is set to be adopted by its 194 member states, including Australia.

A guest on Dr John Campbell's regular YouTube program, Mr Kruse gives a detailed explanation of what the WHO's powers will be once the two legal instruments are voted on by member states in May 2024.

The WHO is a failed organisation with a failed Covid-19 response and cannot be trusted or allowed to threaten Australian sovereignty or our basic human rights.

Write to your federal MPs and senators telling them in no uncertain terms that you reject the WHO and reject their pandemic response treaty.


Paul Murray: It looks like there will be an ‘unofficial Voice’ despite its failure

In this video, Sky News host Paul Murray discusses the Voice to Parliament referendum, cost-of-living, NAPLAN results and more.

Mr Murray says it looks like there will be an “unofficial Voice” despite its dramatic failure at the ballot box.

“It will be far wilder than the one that was on the table just a couple of weeks ago," Mr Murray said.

“The statement is far more combative than anything said on referendum night or anything said in the lead up to the referendum.”


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"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ". [2 Corinthians 10:3-5].

"Prayer in the Evil Day" List Tables of subjects, Prayer Details and Prayer points.

Follow the links for insights into some of the hidden operations of "the Mystery of Iniquity" and "The Power of Darkness Operating in Australia and the World"