A Call to ALL.
ALL Terrorists
ALL Warmongers
ALL Prone to Hatred
ALL Revengers of the Past
ALL Murderers of the Innocent
ALL, Lustful of World Domination
ALL Who Can't Love Their Neighbour.
Take a wonder Journey of the great
thrill and blessing of Peace.
Click the Play button and be enthralled at the Powerful imagery of an Army of Palestinians and Jews Singing together for the VICTORY OF PEACE FOR ALL PEOPLE.
Turn the volume right up and Rip The Knob Off.
You will need to play four times to catch all the Dynamic Vision of The Glory that God has meant for ALL of Humanity to POSSESS!
Replay Special Note.
You can't help but be excited at the wonderfulness, of how humanity could and should be.
Note the beautiful expressions on the faces, illustrating hearts bursting at the prospects of such a blessed state coming to fruition.
Check your screen, that it reveals at the bottom, the subtitles of the Palestinians singing in Arabic, and the Israelis singing in Hebrew.
A Wonderful Certain Future Reality.
The Video is a true Biblical replication of the pervading state of humanity during the millennial reign of Christ after the 7 year tribulation period ending man's (under Satan) dark death obsessed dictatorship on Earth.
Click on Picture. TBN news - Israel/Syria/Iran's Nuclear threat.