Home Forgiveness

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.


 "In whom we have Redemption, through His blood even the forgiveness of sins"  [Colossians 1:14.]

Every person who has Christ has forgiveness. Regardless of their spiritual maturity every believer whether they depart this temporal scene in good harmonious fellowship with the Lord or not, does not change the fact that if they have Christ, they have eternal forgiveness, Praise The Lord!

This verse plainly says... "In whom" - how can you not have forgiveness if you are "In Christ"; Forgiveness is sure as far as the believers "standing" is concerned, just the same as "Justification" is sure as far as the believers "Standing" in Christ is concerned but their "state" of spiritual condition can be quite another thing!

The matter of "sanctification" is another issue and the same applies with forgiveness; There is forgiveness as part of this eternal Justification and salvation, but what about forgiveness for "fellowship" with the Lord; now that is another matter, and concerning this very real need, there is a great encouragement that was given by the apostle John...  "If we confess our sins He is Faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" [1 John 1:9.] This promise is related to our fellowship with the Lord and the joyful condition of a believer who, through sin and failure of many types and occurrences can readily come to The Lord confessing such, and find sweet fellowship, comfort and grace to go on in greater experience of His life and power to "conform" us to His image.

Forgiveness toward others is also a critical matter relating to this aspect of fellowship with The Lord as Jesus taught the disciples of the important needs in prayer...  "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" [Matthew 6:12.] It is important to have forgiveness and a soft heart  toward others, as blessing from The Lord can be hindered whilever there is such a problem, as was demonstrated with Job, who as we read..  "And The Lord turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends" [Job 42:10.]  

We can often be "wrong" and thats why this verse gives the encouragement about... "being cleansed from all unrighteousness"

John goes on to say..  "we have an advocate with The Father, Jesus Christ The Righteous and He is the propitiation for our sins...." [1 John 2:2.] and because of this we find the statement "...He is faithful and  just to forgive us our sins and cleanse..."

This mention of being "faithful and just to forgive" is not on account of any good in us but on account of the "advocate" work of Christ which invokes The Father's free forgiveness. How wonderful is this grace of Jesus Christ, as the psalmist said...  "Bless The Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits, who forgiveth all thine iniquities...."

The Lord bless and encourage in His abundant forgiveness and cleansing from "ALL unrighteousness." [1John 1:9.]

Jesus loves you.

God Bless.