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Gospel - Atheism
Written by Grant Hayman   

The 2 Major Exciting Realities

about The  Bible are:

>>>> 1. There is no other Book in the expanse of The

World,that contains such a wonderful promise of..

Through one Named Jesus Christ who conq uered

the grave proving as He...

The Power, to give

Eternal Life to all who come to Him and save them

from the wages of sin which is Eternal Death.

Refer His Promise: [John 10:28]



>>>> 2.  There is no other book in the expanse of the World

that contains the Answer of someone else to take

the blame of the Sin of the whole World,

and as the Bible says..

[Hebrews 2:9]

And the one and only one, who has done this

for you and me, is Jesus Christ !

At this point is

the wonderful words of Peter to Jesus, found in John 6:68

"Lord, to whom shall we go, You have The Words of

Eternal Life"

for yourself the reality of The Bible

being The Word of God - Have a look and read the beautiful

words of  Isaiah Chapter 53 in the old testament, written

approx. 700BC. speaking of the coming of Christ and of

Him being "wounded for our transgressions".

Right t hroughout The Bible there are Consistent

Prophecies of The coming of a Loving Saviour, who came

and during His World Changing events among  men

was accused of being "The Friend of sinners" and what a

friend to have!  [Luke 15:1-2. 7:34.]

This Saviour is spoken of in the Prophet Hosea in The

Old Testament Recorded approximatley 725BC 

[Hosea13:4 & 14] "...There is no Saviour beside me...

I will Ransom them from the Grave; I will Redeem

them from death, I will be thy plagues; O Grave, I will

be thy Destruction ...".

Also the Apostle Paul takes  up the same words in his

"documentry" on Resurrection for the Christian,  and is

as follows:-

"For this corruptable Must put on Incorruption and this

Mortal Must put on Immortality. So when  this

corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this

Mortal shall have put on Immortality, then shall be

brought to pass the saying that is written, Death  is

Swallowed up in Victory. O Death where is your

sting? O Grave

is your Victory?

The Sting of Death is Sin and  the strength of sin is

The Law. But thanks thanks be to God who gives us

The victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ".

[1 Corinthians 15:53-58]

Dear reader, isn't this message that you have just read

contain the most  wonderful Good News and answer to mans

deep searching?

Come to Christ


"Taste  and see That The Lord is Good, blessed is the

man that Trusts in Him" [Psalm 34:8.]

Jesus Loves You

God Bless.