Home 2 Thessalonians 1:10-12. Part 2.

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.


                      *** Part for Precious Found Sheep, at the end of this Section. ***



             "And to you who are troubled  rest with us, when The 

                       Lord Jesus shall  be revealed from Heaven with

                           His Mighty Angels..." [ 2 Thessalonians 1:7]

Paul in writing to the Church at Thessaloniki mentions the Greatest

Worldwide event ever to happen, and that will be, the Stepping into this

World, the Originator of all things, and also the originator of the

very life you are now participating in, which is on loan to you for a

time, to be either extended into...



                       Not Extended

which leaves the only option, of abiding at the "dead end"

of Human Life, 



which has no component of God's Eternal Life and thus spells out ...


                Eternal Death!

The Lord encourage you dear Friend, if you don't know Him, to take

the step that you have often been reminded to do, (possibly by a

mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, uncle, auntie, friend or

whoever) to secure your eternal destiny of.....


 And that simple step, is to come to Jesus and accept Him as

your loving Saviour, friend and Lord.

Jesus is Reaching for You!

  God Bless.



         Continuing on from Part 1 of 2 Thessalonians 1:10-12.

Remember that the fire in Paul's Prayer in verses 11 and 12 is

because the final  status of every believer is going to be Mega Great!

 and this is indicated in verse 10 which says...  "when He shall

come to be Glorified in His saints and to be admired at in all them that

believe" [2 Thessalonians 1:10.] Notice that Christ shall be "admired

in All them that believe" - That means every believer, not just those who

are considered "Mature Hi Fi" material for The Lord; how wonderfully

clear the statement is, this blessing will be upon "ALL that believe";

Such will be The Grace that will be upon every believer at  "the

revelation of Jesus Christ" [1Peter 1:13.]

Didn't Peter know the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. What grace

came to him when The Lord revealed himself on the mount of

transfiguration; What contrast is shown of The Lord's great goodness

in the face of Peter's neediness; Jesus had just finished saying "get

behind me Satan" and then,  "And after six days Jesus taketh

Peter, James and John...into a high mountain apart" [Matthew 17:1.]


      *** Reveals His Glory to them! ***

John mentions the same wonderful truth in his letter -

  "But we know that when He shall appear we shall be like

Him for we shall see Him as He is" [1 John 3:2.]

Notice the same glorious truth, that it does not say - "we shall

be like Him because we have reached a certain spiritual "Mature

status" but  "we shall be Like Him for we shall see Him as He is" -

at the moment we see Him,  "in the twinkling of an eye....we

shall be Changed" [1 Corinthians 15:52.] - And every believer will

"SEE HIM" Praise the Lord!

What Glory awaits you and me dear brother and sister, as The

Word says "Christ in you the hope of Glory" [ Colossians


The Word of God states that we shall all differ in Glory even

as the incredible variations of the glory of the stars, differ one

from another, but we will share some more on that in the next

segment relating to these wonderful words of the

"Excellency of our high calling in Christ Jesus" found in thes

verses under consideration from 2 Thessalonians 1:10-12

Jesus Loves You.

  God Bless.