Home Bible Study - Joshua.

T. Austin Sparks - Messages.


Joshua Ch. 1. Be Not Shattered! | Print |
Bible Study - Joshua


Joshua Chapter 1.



The following  are brief (and not meant to be comprehensive) notes shared  at Church Bible Study Midweek gathering. Bible Study topic is the Book of Joshua.

"Fear not and be not Shattered"

Joshua ch. 1

Great Blessing Ahead with Jesus ( Our Joshua )

Approaching the Spiritual Land of Plenty:
¶ 1. Every place the sole of the feet shall tread shall be God given. [Joshua 1:3.]
With us there can be much that is not God Given and leaves us on "dead" ground but as we turn to the Lord and hand over all to him like David did, there can be recovery and beauty for ashes. The human realm is a realm of ashes that only Christ can change! Look to Jesus for life in every step you take.

Joshua Ch. 2. Grace Answers Pride and Shame. | Print |
Bible Study - Joshua


              Joshua Chapter 2.




The following  are brief (and not meant to be comprehensive) notes shared  at Church Bible Study Midweek gathering. Bible Study topic is the Book of Joshua.

What Fragrance - Sin met by Grace.

Jericho means "Fragrance" This first battle engagement in the promised land unfolded fragrant blessing.

Joshua Ch. 3. Sanctification Leads to Wonders! | Print |
Bible Study - Joshua


               Joshua Chapter 3.




Promised Land Battle Victory Preparation


The Word Leads to Resurrection

Crossing the Jordan was a greater experience of the power of God than the fall of Jericho. Walls can fall down but water doesn't "stand up in a heap". The children of Israel had to follow the Ark. [Joshua 3:3-4.] The Lord cannot provide resurrection Life contrary to his Word. Jesus said...   the words that I speak are words of Spirit and words of Life. [John 6:63.] "The Word of God is quick and  powerful" [Hebrews 4:12.] Psalms 119:97 (KJV)
O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.


Joshua Ch. 4. Ascending Not Decending! | Print |
Bible Study - Joshua

Joshua Chapter 4.

Jordan - Like Man  "A  Descender"

¶ The meaning of the name Jordan - from <H3381> (yarad); a descender; Jordan, the principal river of Palestine :- Jordan. Strong's Talking Greek & Hebrew Dictionary. <H3381> - a primitive root; to descend (literal to go downwards; or conventionally to a lower region, as the shore, a boundary, the enemy, etc.; or figurative to fall); causative to bring down (in all the above applications)

Joshua Ch. 5. Strengthened by Glory. | Print |
Bible Study - Joshua


              Joshua Ch. 5.




Joshua meets The Mighty Joshua!

Tokens of the Power of The Lord
¶ Vs. 1. When the Amorites and the Cannanites heard of Israel's God opening the Jordan river for them their "heart melted". When we are travelling with The Lord Paul said -
2 Corinthians 2:15 (KJV) 15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: In the previous verse, verse 14 it is clearly stated that this evidence is there because it is God that causes us to "triumph in Christ".


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